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 It's like, lowkey saying you're living in sketchy or delicate places with no access to clean water or basic hygiene" (Gordon, 2005). For example, poverty can be classified as absolute or relative. However, it could also be divided into new and old poverty, you know? OMG, old poverty is when people do not have enough food and basic necessities like medicine and education. New poverty includes drug addiction, domestic violence, family breakdown, and environmental degradation. OMG, according to The Economist, the struggles of new poverty are far more complicated than old poverty. It's similar to what happens in big, booming cities, particularly in developing countries. So crazy! (The Economist.)

Poverty is a terrible thing that millions of people have to deal with.


It's this whole thing that people have different perspectives on (Lister, 2004:36). OMG, poverty is when people don't have enough money or other resources to live their best lives and contribute to society, you know? (Townend, 2006). 
There is no doubt that globalization holds enormous potential for development and stacking that paper. However, there are a lot of different vibes and perspectives among people because it's all about the economic and social impact, you know? Some argue that the current model of globalization has resulted in problems such as unemployment, inequality, and poverty, while others argue that globalization helps to alleviate these issues. These problems existed prior to globalization, but it is obvious that for globalization to be lit and not cause major drama, it must help reduce them, right? As a result, the goal of globalization is to demonstrate that it can meet the needs of all people, you know? (International Labor Organization). While some people benefit from the effects of globalization, others suffer from them. OMG, the gap between rich and poor has widened dramatically over the last 20 years. It's a major concern for everyone right now. Rising income inequality is a problem not only in rich countries, but also in emerging markets, where rapid growth has raised concerns about the wealth gap. Yo, if you want to analyze income distribution, inequalities, and poverty, you must first understand the distinctions between these terms, because people frequently confuse them. According to Duncan, with no cap, the average income gap between the richest and poorest countries has been steadily widening over the last few decades. But, for example, consider how many of the poorest countries from the past are no longer on the list.

Yo, within globalization and inequality, it's hella interesting to see what role globalization plays in

What about changes in income inequality? In recent years, the majority of research on this topic has been heavily focused on changes in income inequality in high-income countries, you know? The question has been whether the large wage gap in the United States or rising unemployment in the European Union is due to increased imports of labor-intensive goods from developing countries (Duncan, 2000). 
Poverty is currently a major issue. It's a major issue that affects everyone, whether it's around the world, in our country, or even in our own neighborhoods. According to Lister, "how we define poverty is hella important for political, policy, and academic debates about the concept" (2004:12). Since the 1880s, three distinct conceptions of poverty have emerged as the foundation for international and comparative research. The concepts of just getting by, essentials, and feeling left out are central to their philosophy. For more than a century, these ideas have had a profound impact on scientific practice as well as international and national policies. Is it lit? The organization differentiates between "absolute" and "overall" poverty. Absolute poverty has been defined as "a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs such as food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health shelter, education, and information."  According to him, it is extremely important that global welfare be measured in terms of people rather than countries. China and India are the world's largest countries, you know? They have roughly half of the world's population. Isn't that crazy? Both countries have increased their per capita GDP significantly in recent years, outpacing those with higher incomes. OMG, in developing countries, research cannot even find a legitimate link between economic growth and changes in income inequality. It's extremely random! 

It's incredibly sad, family. It's not just about the money; it's also about having access to services, you know? 

OMG poverty is when you don't have enough money or possessions to live a good life, you know? It's like being hungry, not having good health, and being unable to attend school or obtain basic necessities. It can even lead to homelessness, living in unsafe environments, and feeling excluded and discriminated against. To be honest, it's a huge mess. It's not about participating in decision-making and other civil, social, and cultural activities, you know? OMG, poverty is everywhere, you know? It's similar to when people die as a result of a bad economy or when there is a war and everyone becomes impoverished. There are also people who work for low wages and have no family support or safety nets, do you understand? Gordon (2005). The UN said, "Yo, this is the definition we all agreed on in '95." But then in 1998, they said, "Nah, we're changing it up and won't even acknowledge the various levels of poverty." The UN is now saying that poverty is a complete violation of human dignity because it denies people choices and opportunities. It's equivalent to being unable to mature and function as a contributing member of society. It's like not having enough to flex on your family, not having a good school or clinic to go to, not having the land to grow your own food or a job to make that paper, and not having access to that cash flow. It's like feeling incredibly insecure, powerless, and excluded, you know? It's like being extremely prone to violence, you know?


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