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Although the dimensions of Geert Hofstede already indicate cultural variations, the idea of high and low context cultures and thus the theory on intercultural communication exploring social cohesion and how culture can influence communication developed by American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher Edward T. Hall should be considered within this topic of corporate culture. Hall assumed that many styles of thinking exist and that culture shapes the process of thinking. His definition of culture focused on the subjects of the unconscious and nonverbal areas. Hall believed that other cultural elements, like philosophy, religion, morals, and customs, might have a significant influence on people's behavior and communication so he did not wish to omit those elements. Hall sets LCC apart from HCC so he may explain their different approaches and communication strategies. Hall ranks the communication style of every nation on a low-context to high-context scale so that she may classify it in a certain framework. In an LCC, the explicit coding in a direct manner in the linguistic message conveys the complete and meaning of information and the style of communication is quite strongly geared towards the speaker. Messages are communicated straightforward and clearly. As far as the content of the message is concerned, the spoken word counts and offers the direction points; so, there is minimal space for interpretation for the message recipient. In LCCs, body language is not given any attention; verbal communication 

Is more highly valued It usually is simple and devoid of interpretive.

Space. Moreover, LCCs define themselves by their outward, conspicuous display of reaction. There is no gainsaying if someone from an LCC finds what has been said or done unacceptable. LCCs often have weak ties between people with limited commitment to relationships and a meager degree of loyalty. Generally speaking, LCCs view chores as more vital than relationships. People from LCCs are mostly on time and not adaptable in view of unexpected changes; they are highly organised in perspective of time. Hall's theory and the identification of cultures based on his framework help one to summarize mostly Scandinavian countries, but also Germany and Switzerland as LCCs and tend to utilize essentially LCC communication. Usually preferring implicit communications using metaphors and reading between the lines, HCCs do not often mention objects specifically by name. One could argue that mentioning too many details is detrimental. While the encoded component of the message provides implicit information, most of the information is in the physical context, hence in the whole nonverbal and para-verbal behavior. Not spoken events are also significant or even more so than those that have been mentioned. Therefore, nonverbal communication is especially used and the interpretation of the message depends much on contextual references and nonverbal communication such face expressions, allusions, or the conditions of the encounter seems to be as significant as verbal communication. Particularly 

In the communication with an background the type. 

Of the interaction between sender and recipient as well as the age, gender, and power ration play a significant influence. HCCs usually have a strong sense of family and ties between people as well as a great difference across groupings. They give more of an emphasis on the value of connections and strong obligations to long-term relationships than on particular chores. Though rather indirectly, the process of how something hIn viChina seems to be on the march is also a culture reflected in Luxembourg. China ranks not just the highest PDI but also Hofstede noted a notable variation in the scores when comparing the findings from China with all other countries. Having a PDI of 80 China, "believes that people's differences are reasonable". The connection between subordinate-superior usually seems polarized. This thesis and the conducted survey will be discussed in more detail in chapter 7; the following attempts to apply Hall's and Hofstede's theories on the most often occurring cultures in LuAccor.Neither a masculine nor a feminine nation is Luxembourg. In social activities, where they care about others with deep sense of community, it is feminine; in business, where the best will triumph, it is masculine48. Moreover, from Hofstede's perspective, Luxembourg is obviously pragmatic. Luxembourgers "think that truth relies quite significantly on context, situation, and time. They exhibit high inclination to save and invest, thriftiness, adaptability to altered circumstances, and endurance in reaching goals. Using Hall's model, Luxembourg is categorized as LCC even if they strongly feel of tradition and are adamant that Luxembourg is an individual nation and does not belong to any other surrounding country as expected by many other nonEuropean countries.According to Ding to Hofstede, Luxembourg ranks as a nation with great degree of uncertainty avoidance and reluctance to explore uncharted territory. 

Thus Luxembourg is rather unlikely to unknown circumstances.

Which is also demonstrated by the features of the nation: security is a key phrase and is lived across the country. Mostly, every activity depends on xembourg's security supervision. Moreover, knowing the culture behind and understanding their habits and behavior might already provide a direction with regard to their awareness and value toward company culture.As done is crucial; the issue of obtaining a satisfying outcome is rat.Emphasizing Hall's theory of communication in HCC and LCCs, one can draw the conclusion that both aspects of communication relate to the dependence humans have on other than words to transmit meaning. Low context communication, for example, explains a message clear and explicit, whereas HCC's messages usually have more indirect and implicit character. Moreover, low context communication will focus more on the words than on the background of them. Every society has a vision that fits them to concentrate on what their people consider to be crucial. Regarding its applicability to this work, the next chapter will apply both theories on Luxembourg cultural representation. Her subordinates. Hall's thesis helped him to identify mostly Confucian civilizations including Japan, China, Korea, but also nations in Latin America, Spain, France, Greece, and Turkey as those that mostly rely on HCC communication.


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