How Micro-Targeting Influences Voter Behavior in the USA
Among Polish Internet users, social media are getting increasingly and more appealing. Many EU projects and seminars are meant to inspire individuals and businesses to apply social media tools for their operations. Using these instruments has several advantages for environmental preservation as well as for business-related ones.It is noteworthy that the author of this article was invited to an international project called "Get Connected 2,," run by
Italian non-profit organization Mine Vaganti, in April 2015 Aimed to assemble in Olbia, Sardinia, participants from 9 countries: Italy, Cyprus, Croatia, Poland, Spain, Bulgaria, Austria, Malta, and Romania, GC2 was a 7-day training course Developing the participants' skills, knowledge, and attitudes on how to include young people via E-Media in the policy-making
process was the key goal. Starting with a contribution of an expert and ending with practical tasks for participants, every day was devoted to one of the social media tools—Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest. Western European countries as well as Poland are starting to see increasing demand for these kinds of courses. Of the participants, 42% use
Social networks and confirmed that working
on start-ups projects could be the better stimulus for their ternet access. While 45% utilize some mobile device, 55% of individuals browse the Internet via a computer (Wave6 Report, 2012). Notwithstanding evident infrastructure flaws, the data amply shows that Poles are present in the Internet and social sector. This demonstrates a possibility for everyone who wants to create a community on social media, but particularly for those who want to operate
the commercial sector.Forty-two percent of people use social media. While 45% of people use some mobile device, 55% of individuals access the Internet via a computer (Wave6 Report, 2012). Notwithstanding evident infrastructure flaws, the data amply shows that Poles are present in the Internet and social sector. This demonstrates a possibility for everyone who wants to create a community utilizing social media, but notably for those who want eternet
access and 42% use social networks. While 45% of people use some mobile device, 55% of individuals access the Internet via a computer (Wave6 Report, 2012). Notwithstanding evident infrastructure flaws, the data amply shows that Poles are present in the Internet and social sector. This demonstrates a possibility for everyone who wants to create a community on social media, but notably for those who want to operate in the corporate world.xist within the
corporate environment support and distribution of their ideas, counsel, and opinions above mere reward money.Ternet access and 42% of them utilize social media. While 45% of individuals access the Internet and 42% utilize social networks, 55% of people use a computer to access it. While 45% utilize some mobile device, 55% of individuals browse the Internet via a computer (Wave6 Report, 2012). Notwithstanding evident infrastructure flaws,
The data amply shows that Poles
are present in the Internet and social sector. This demonstrates a possibility for everyone who wants to create a community on social media especially for those who want to operate in the corporate world. own a mobile device (Wave6 Report, 2012). Notwithstanding evident infrastructure flaws, the data amply shows that Poles are present in the Internet and social sector. This demonstrates a possibility for everyone who wants to create a community on
social mediae specially for those who want to operate in the corporate world.Of the users in the category of 30 to 49 years old, 53% utilize social media; of the users between 18 to 29 years old, 82% claim to be routinely using social media portals. This information matches Central Statistical Office statistics showing that 62% of Polish homes have permanent For individuals who represent B2B companies and wish to build thought leadership inside a
group of homogeneously targeted audiences and interact with professional audiences, LinkedIn is appropriate.Less familiar in Poland are Google+ and Pinterest as well. Pinterest is utilized for those companies whose main target audience is women and it is crucial to provide a highly visual content. The first one is used to assist with employee SEO efforts and to join in Google community to contact like-minded people. The first step on the long road toward
Appropriate social media use is just target
identification. To complete the social platforms for startup companies, more extensive research and brainstorming is necessary.The next step is active presence on a selected platform. Expert of marketing communication in Polish medical companies from Polish Confederation, the author of this paper observed that most of these companies have a Facebook page, thus they acknowledge the social media as helpful, but the last posts are
absolutely outdated e.g. from last year. Still, a passive presence on any of the sites always leaves a negative image.In the medical field, on the other hand, social media is one of the best platforms available for existence on the market. Some professions could not be promoted in any other way. They are all legal, medical, and pharmaceutical professionals; tax consultants etc.Thus, among those who are engaged in a certain topic, social media can be
great instrument for doing viral marketing. For instance, there is rivalry on Facebook for the top lawyer based on LinkedIn and Twitter groups. One of the newest competitions is a rating of the top Polish veterinarian clinics where Facebook users may vote for their finest local have access to eight of 11 parties, we are confident about our findings and we do not expect
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